Mid-year Digest
I reckon things have been quiet over here, life has been quite busy between game design shenanigans and my day job in animation. I did say that these newsletters would be sparse! So, let’s jump right into our quick roundup of the past couple of months and what lies ahead.
Escape from Station 52 on Tabletop Simulator
I’ve decided to make an official mod for playing EFS52 on the popular Tabletop Simulator. As I’m new to this thing, the initial release has no scripting to automate things except for the first shuffle when you enter the game. However I’m looking into making possible for you to, let’s say, Sneak a Corridor with just the push of a button!
Also, the mod is free, so if you haven’t played Escape from Station 52 yet, give it a try and consider purchasing a physical copy on The Game Crafter.
GEN CON is nigh and CBR+PNK will be there!
This will be the first time ever that something with my name on the cover will be at the largest american gaming convention and I’m thrilled, but unfortunately I won’t able to attend. Nevertheless, I invite you all to pay a visit to the Mythworks booth and say hi for me — Booth 2668, right next to the Entrepreneur's Avenue! They will be hosting some CBR+PNK as well as Wildsea games for those interested.
On that note, the physical copies have begun shipping! Let us know when you receive yours and feel free to showcase it on social media (tag us if you feel like it).
CBR+PNK Digital
CBR+PNK has also made its way to the virtual tabletop world of Role! The VTT is tailor-made for theater of the mind gaming, offering a range of tools to enhance your experience. Follow this link to find a slick and user-friendly Runner File, as well as the games PDFs and additional play materials.
You still got time to dive headfirst into the neon-lit world of CBR+PNK with the CBR+PNK Jam, a thrilling community-driven event to celebrate the game before it hits the streets in all its physical glory.
Whether you're forging a frenzied new /run or crafting new factions, wicked nemesis, or badass graphic assets, this jam is the perfect opportunity to showcase your creativity and make a bold statement about what you think cyberpunk should be.
Stay tuned for the CBR+PNK creator kit, featuring compatibility logos, custom fonts with official iconography, as well as handy templates.
Next projects
I’m working on a couple of collaborations this year, in addition to developing more supplements for CBR+PNK and entirely new games. This may sound like a lot, and it certainly is, haha! That’s why I’m taking it slowly. Hopefully I’ll have something exciting to announce by the end of the year.
Until then!